Home / FIFA 23 / First FIFA 23 Title Update Released on PC

First FIFA 23 Title Update Released on PC

The first official title update for FIFA 23 is live on PC.

This update was released just for the PC version of FIFA 23 in order to address the AntiCheat issues reported by players last week.

The 1.30 GB patch contains the following changes:

  • Fixed a number of the following error message instances seen by players when attempting to launch the title:
    • “Failure to update process.”
    • “Can’t start system service.”
    • “The application has encountered an unrecoverable error.”
  • Improved a stability issue that could occur when a device with force feedback was plugged into the PC while playing the title.

Let us know in the comments if you managed to start the game after the update.

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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