Home / FIFA 12 / .:: FIFA 12 Manager Mode Roundup ::.

.:: FIFA 12 Manager Mode Roundup ::.

We have a roundup details from the podcasts and articles from all over the web about the upcoming manager mode/career mode in FIFA 12.


An option will appear on the career mode hub allowing you to address the media before a game. Selecting that option will give you the ability to talk to the press about a variety of different things concerning the upcoming match.

You can talk about..

# Your team
# The opposing team
# The manager of the opposing team
# Any of the players likely to be selected for the match
# Previous results between your team and the opposing team (providing you’ve played them already)

You can “praise” or “unsettle” the opposition with your selected comments.

The media will publish a story in the press and that story can have an effect on the players, this effect will be subtle however.

The “talk to the press” option will only be available for important games


# Bigger variety of injuries, true injuries
# You can bring a player back from injury early.


The commentary will now reflect your season, this will be intertwined with storylines to create a “holistic” experience.


# The value of each individual player is more realistic, Simon Humber has finely tuned the values.
# Potential now factors into a players market value, some players will be more expensive based off their potential.
# The values are designed to mirror real world values, goalkeepers and defenders will be less expensive than attacking players ect.
# The CPU is a lot more aggressive
# The CPU will bid on players who aren’t transfer listed, so you’ll find yourself having to fend off their offers.
# The bids you receive will be much more in line with the worth of the player
# The CPU’s offers will fluctuate above and below the players value.
# There’s a higher chance that the CPU with return with an offer if you reject them.
# You can stall CPU offers to buy yourself time, their offers will remain valid for a number of days
# Bids are not limited by your budget.
# Loans will now come with the option to purchase
# Promotion rewards you with a larger transfer budget
# Transfer deadline day is now apart of the transfer window

Which leads me to..


Transfer deadline day is a very special day. The transfer window is open for a final 8 hours on this day and clubs are looking to seal those last minute deals. Because of the added urgency, some clubs might be willing to spend more to acquire a player.

On transfer deadline day the career mode hub will mutate into a brand new hub, a broadcast-style hub from which you can manage your transfers. The hub will display the total amount of money that has been spent on transfer deadline day, the hub will also display each and every transfer. This information will be updated as you progress through the hours.


# You can hire a total of 3 scouts
# Regions can be assigned to each of those individual scouts
# You can scout by position.. CM, RW, ST ect.
# Initial scout reports will be vague, you’ll have to scout a player multiple times to access all of the available information
# Projected ratings are included in the reports, the accuracy of these ratings will increase with each report
# If you scout a player for too long another club may come along and offer him a contract
# Once you’ve purchased the player he’ll be added to your youth academy, from there you can track his development


# There’s 25 different storylines in total

Big Thanks to Benzema_E from the EA forums for making this list!

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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13 years ago
13 years ago

They should have 2 player Manager mode!!

13 years ago

YES!!! Scouting is back!!! and Youth academy?? So geeked!!! One thing i hope is they have a plethera of randomly or somehow generated scout-able players.