Home / .:: More Stuffs from FIFA 11 PC ::.

.:: More Stuffs from FIFA 11 PC ::.

Today we’ve got more stuffs from the future release of FIFA 11 on PC!We’ve got a new set of images,a gameplay footage,the official french cover for FIFA 11 and an interview of our FIFA 11 producer on PC,Ian Jarvis!

fifa11_pc_new1.jpg (814 KB) fifa11_pc_new2.jpg (773 KB) fifa11_pc_new3.jpg (884 KB) fifa11_pc_new4.jpg (899 KB) fifa11_pc_new5.jpg (1.1 MB)

In the next video we can see in the first part,gameplay footage of the FIFA 11 on PC (Dark/Red Scoreboard) and in the second one the PS3 gameplay(Blue Scoreboard).

We also got the official french cover for the FIFA 11:

fifa11france.jpg (80 KB)

Featuring Lloris,Rooney & Benzema!

And last but not least our friend from FIFAMania.it,Outsider87,got an exclusive interview of our producer,Ian Jarvis.Check it here:

Interview to Ian Jarvis

That’s it for now!More stuffs will come soon in August so stay around and check us!

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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Hipole Wiseday
14 years ago

They need to realise that not everyone outside the Premier league is completely useless and unfit. Most lower league players are equally as fit as there top flight counterparts, but in FIFA10 ask them to play twice a week and they are on their arse. There’s also plenty of lower league players capable of doing the 5 star skill moves, but on FIFA? No chance!