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FUT Champions Complete Guide

If you plan to compete in the FUT Champions in this guide you will learn how to qualify for the tournament, how the tournament system works and what in-game rewards you can get.

For starters, FUT Champions is the most competitive online mode in FIFA 19. Everyone can participate if they manage to qualify for the Weekend League and the best and most consistent players will even get invited by EA Sports to their competitive gaming events.

Weekend League Qualification

So you may ask, how do I qualify for the Weekend League?

Well, with the introduction of Division Rivals this year your chances to qualify for the Weekend League have been greatly improved. In FUT 19, you will have the FUT Champions Points as part of Division Rivals – every game you play in Rivals will take you one step closer to qualifying for the Weekend League using these Points. The number of FUT Champions Points earned for each game is dependant on your performance and current Division. The better you play, the more points you earn. Each Division has a multiplier on your FUT Champions Points, so the higher the Division you are in, the faster you’ll rack up Points.

Once you have received those Points, if you have enough to qualify for FUT Champions Weekend League, you must redeem those Points, in-game, before the start of the FUT Champions Weekend League that you want to participate in. You can, of course, choose to hold onto those Points in order to enter into the Weekend League in a different week, just note that you can’t hold more than 2,000 FUT Champions Points at a time, so any Points that would be earned by playing Division Rivals matches, or gained from Division Rivals rewards, could be lost if you are already holding the maximum 2,000 Points

You must redeem your FUT Champions Points prior to the start of the Weekend League you want to participate in. Weekend League starts each Friday at 07:00 UTC. Redeem your Points before 07:00 UTC Fridays to claim your spot for the week you want to play.

Weekend League Re-qualification

The FUT Champions Points system also changed how Weekend League re-qualification works. Last January, the number of wins required to re-qualify to the Weekend League in FUT 18 dropped from 18 to 11.

In FUT 19, starting at tiers with 11 wins or more, the rewards earned will include the full amount of points required to join another Weekend League. Additionally, every tier below 11 wins also includes some FUT Champions Points that will get you closer to another attempt at qualifying for the Weekend League.

Weekend League And Division Rivals

With the likelihood of coming up against tougher opponents in the Weekend League, your Skill Rating, which determines your Division in Rivals, remained unaffected by the matches you play in Weekend League.

Whilst your Skill Rating remains unaffected by playing the Weekend League, each game played will earn some Weekly Score in Division Rivals helping you improve your standing in the Rivals Weekly Competition. That means that every game played in the Weekend League contributes to unlocking to rewards in both the Weekend League and Division Rivals.

Total Games Required

From the start of FUT Champions in FUT 19, you will have the option to play up to 30 games during each Weekend League on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


While reducing the number of games for Playstation 4 and Xbox One players in each Weekend League from 40 to 30, the level of rewards will stay the same every week per tier, ensuring that Weekend League continues to be the place where you can earn the best rewards in FUT. Increasing the maximum number of games from 25 to 30 for FUT Champions on PC will, for the first time, allow players to earn the same level of rewards for playing the Weekend League as console players.

This year you will also have the inclusion of Player Picks, giving players more choice over the content with which they want to build their dream squad. Weekly Reward Player Picks will be replacing the Monthly Reward Packs from FUT 18, giving you a choice between which red FUT Champions player items you want to add to your squad.

Currently, once you reach the Silver 3 Rank in a Weekend League, you would start to receive these Items are part of your rewards.

Which FUT Champions TOTW Player Items are available in the Player Picks depends on which FUT Champions Weekend League that you earn them in. As FUT Champions Weekend League rewards are released on Thursday, the Player Pick Items will contain players from the current TOTW, the one that just started the previous day on Wednesday. This will not change, no matter when you open the Player Pick, they will always contain FUT Champions TOTW Player Items from the TOTW that was active when the rewards were distributed.

Depending on your final Rank in the Weekend League, the Players within the Player Pick will vary, from the maximum overall rating of the FUT Champions TOTW Player Items available in the Player Pick, to how many different FUT Champions TOTW Player Items you will get to choose from. The details of what each can contain is below.

Just a reminder that for each Player Pick Item, you only get to choose one of the FUT Champions TOTW Player Items from it, regardless of how many different Items you get to choose from.

Final RankNumber Of Player Pick ItemsFUT Champions Items To Choose From Each Per Player Pick ItemMax Overall RatingUntradeable?
Silver 31284Yes
Silver 21284Yes
Silver 113No MaxYes
Gold 323No MaxYes
Gold 224No MaxYes
Gold 124No MaxYes
Elite 335No MaxYes
Elite 235No MaxYes
Elite 135No MaxYes
Top 76 – 10045No MaxYes
Top 51 – 7545No MaxYes
Top 26 – 5055No MaxYes
Top 11 – 2555No MaxYes
Top 2 – 1055No MaxYes
Top 155No MaxYes

Rewards will be distributed on Thursdays at 18:00 UTC to applicable accounts that had completed the minimum 5 matches that were required to be ranked. Some results will be reviewed by EA before distributing the reward packs and there may be a slight delay.

Rewards can be claimed both in-game, and via FUT Web and the FIFA 19 Companion App.

When claiming FUT Champions Weekend League rewards, you will receive a number of FUT Champions Points based on your final rank. Those FUT Champions Points, when claimed, will be added to your current total of FUT Champions Points. As you can only hold up to 2,000 FUT Champions Points at one time, any Points gained that would push your total over 2,000 Points will be lost.


Everyone starts each weekend fresh at zero form, moving up or down with each win or loss. In football terms, match form of W/L/W/W/W would result in a +3 form. Players with similar form are then paired in matchmaking.

The result is that players that are better than average in the Weekend League (which is already a very skilled group of players) will quickly boost their form. The higher their form gets, the more challenging the competition becomes. Only the best of the best can consistently beat players with high form and attain Elite and Top 100 status.

The second key piece to matchmaking is location. Players are matched based on their location and proximity to our dedicated game servers to ensure quality matches.

Champions Channel

The Champions Channel was introduced in FUT 18 and you can find it in FUT 19 as well. This feature can help you learn from the Top 100 finishers every weekend in FUT Champions. You can view the match replays of the best players and learn their skills and tactics. One of the major change introduced this year is the addition of controller inputs, which allows you to see buttons the top players are pressing in every scenario of play, including during instant replays.

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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