Home / FIFA 11 / .:: Scoreboard Pack V.1 ::.

.:: Scoreboard Pack V.1 ::.

The long awaited scoreboard pack is here!One of our newest team members,ANB_Seth,made this amazing scoreboard pack containing 9 different scoreboards!

The scoreboard pack contains the next scoreboards:

  • World Cup 2010 – ARD
  • World Cup 2010 – EuroSport
  • Bundesliga – Sky
  • Liga BBVA – GolTV
  • Serie A – Sky
  • Uefa Champions League – Sky
  • ESPN
  • Digi Sport TV
  • – ZDF

See you soon with other great downloads!


About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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13 years ago

Thanks for the patch!!!
God bless you ANB_Seth!!!!

13 years ago

hey guys when i put the goltv logo works for la liga bbva but the other ones dont work on any match like the uefa champions league or the espn it just says on the upper right corner of the screen when youre playing it says ERROR 404 BIG NOT FOUND….CHECK REGIONS thats what it says, can some one help me?
thank you

13 years ago

the best thanx

13 years ago

the best site

13 years ago

can u make a video oht to import scorevoards please

13 years ago

how to import scoreboards

13 years ago

I’ve got a problem….I use a low resolution and the scoreboards are transparent…There’s a solution?

13 years ago

Great Scoreboards..!!!!!!
Waiting for ESPN V2.

13 years ago

@ ANB_Seth
I’ve already used all of the scoreboards. (found in anb’s thread at soccergaming.tv) but here is all scoreboards in one. I reputed u up on sg.tv for those sbs. I must say that u r the best fifa 11 sbmaker. thnx for ur hard work and sharing ur work with everybody.. 😀

13 years ago

Hi can you guys make the i68 regenerator available for download here.its pretty hard to find it.thanks

13 years ago

One problem…I’ve copied all the files to the path mentioned and regenerated….the scoreboard only appears in English Leagues and all the other leagues’ scoreboard did not change…..any idea what i did wrong??

13 years ago

can you make a program to install scoreboards because i copy and change the old file wit the new file and then i run Fifa11i68Regenerator and when tje procces ends i run fifa but i does’t work please help me anybody

13 years ago

can you give us a good example on how to change the name of the scoreboards to use it on the league we want to? if i want to use it on spanish league is like this?
is it like that? or how? please help us man the scoreboards are very good and we ant to use them or make a video tutorial please. thanks

13 years ago

ah and another thing when we are using the regenerator it has two options can some one explain me whats the difference between those two options?
and when when i used it it erase all other patches i have why?

13 years ago

How do you add them with a genator?

13 years ago

dak vreun roman vede asta……………….imi zice sa copiez alea in game si overlays numai ca nu e akolo…

13 years ago


dak vreun roman vede asta……………….imi zice sa copiez alea in game si overlays numai ca nu e akolo…

creezi tu fisierele alea 😉 dai create folder

13 years ago

thanks man, ur the best ! 😉

13 years ago



dak vreun roman vede asta……………….imi zice sa copiez alea in game si overlays numai ca nu e akolo…

creezi tu fisierele alea dai create folder

poi da dar tot nu merge …………raman la fel scoreboardurile:((( si inca o intrebare aia k ucl e doar in uc; la manager sau turneu?sau si amicale?:D

13 years ago


13 years ago

V.2 ? 😀

13 years ago

Creati folderele exact on ordinea asta : C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\FIFA Soccer 11\Game\data\ui\game\overlays

Si scrie si acolo ce si cum cu scoreboard’urile.
“overlay_2002.big” default
“overlay_3002.big” Franta
“overlay_4002.big” Germania
“overlay_5002.big” Italia
“overlay_6002.big” Spania

13 years ago


Creati folderele exact on ordinea asta : C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\FIFA Soccer 11\Game\data\ui\game\overlays
Si scrie si acolo ce si cum cu scoreboard’urile.
“overlay_2002.big” default
“overlay_3002.big” Franta
“overlay_4002.big” Germania
“overlay_5002.big” Italia
“overlay_6002.big” Spania

A si am uitat. Trebuie sa folositi “FifaMania_Regenerator_11_v1.6” dupa ce copiati fisierele in FIFA11.

13 years ago

Is it possible to play online with? Compatible?!

13 years ago

overlay_2002.big” default
“overlay_3002.big” Franta
“overlay_4002.big” Germania
“overlay_5002.big” Italia
“overlay_6002.big” Spani

How About the English Leagues ????????????

13 years ago

Please i have a problem . I do not have FIFA 11\Game\data\ui\game\overlays\) i have FIFA 11\Game\data\ui\artAssets/heads ? and i do not have Fifa11i68Regenerator . What the problem ?

13 years ago

i have the same problem as blafaq, please help!

13 years ago

ok i solved it, u have to create those folders blafaq

13 years ago


I have the same doubt of the user mauflo81.
How can and should we do to rename the files, in order to can have a scoreboard only on one league for example?
Because there are many overlays with the same name, overlays_2002 i think…

Some help here damien please, i am not the only one who is asking for it…

Regards, JONAS

13 years ago

Hi again

Sorry Damien, but I still don’t get it 🙁
For example, in my case I want to use a specific scoreboard for the Portuguese League, (the ESPN one for example or any other) and my question is how do I rename it (what’s his exactly name) so when I will continue my career with SL BENFICA the scoreboard I’ve chosen always appears in all matches I play with Portuguese teams???

I will be very grateful to you if you could give a practical example of the exactly name I should put on the scoreboard I want to use in my Portuguese League matches…

Thank you again for you patience Damien

Regards, JONAS

13 years ago


I’ve already tried follow your tip but still i can’t have the scoreboard I want.
Now I have the SKY SPORTS HD DIRETTA) on my Portuguese teams matches, but I want to use other scoreboard, and I can’t rename like you said, because when I do it it ask me if I am sure I want to change its name, and if I say “yes” the file disappears 🙁

The name I should correctly use to rename the scoreboard I want is “overlay_2002.big.” with the stop at the end of the name???

Sorry if I can’t explain myself better, but I don’t speak english very well like you do 🙁

Regards, JONAS

13 years ago

Hi again

I tried what you said me, but then when I am going to play a match with Portuguese teams the scoreboard I have is the EA default one 🙁

God I am starting to sick of this sorry Damien 🙁

Maybe it was a good idea if you made a short video to show to all of us how to correctly do this “scoreboards renaming stuff”, what you say???

Sorry but I admit I am a little noob 🙁

Regards, JONAS

13 years ago

Hi again once more Damien

I’ve tried what you told, but still, without good results… 🙁
Because when I copy the scoreboards (some have the same name (overlay_2002) is asks me if I want to overwrite them, or just copy both but without changing it’s name, but if I choose the last option, what I’ve is this:

overlay_2002 (2)

With these names it won’t work as desired I think and correct me if I’m wrong 🙁

And if I just overwrite them, I’ll only have 1 soceboard, which gonna be the default one for some leagues, such as the Portuguese one for example where I would like to have the scoreboard I want, and I’m not beeing capable to do that 🙁

Once more I told Damien that if you made a small video tutorial how to correctly do this, it would be more easier for all of us, and at the same time you’d be helping more users, to only me…

Please, at least, think about OK, Damien???

Regards, JONAS

13 years ago

OK then Damien, but still now I cannot assigne the ESPN SB to the Premier League, but before I has it…

So I can copy and paste all the SB’s I want, and just select “overwrite” and then regenerate the .big files is that correct?

Excuse me for being so annoying with all this stuff 🙁

Regards, JONAS

13 years ago

OK then, finally I think now I’ve understand…
But tell me Damien, are you thinking to do a Uefa Champions League SB for FIFA 12??? I really would love it 🙂

Regards, JONAS

11 years ago

how to install this?