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FIFAe Next Gen 2024: Bringing Esports to Liverpool

FIFAe has announced the first-ever FIFAe Next Gen event, a multi-title football esports competition set to take place in Liverpool from August 28 to September 1, 2024. This event will feature two popular football titles, Football Manager and eFootball, creating a platform for football and esports fans to come together in one of the world’s most passionate football cities.

Key Highlights

  • Location: Exhibition Centre Liverpool
  • Dates: August 28–September 1, 2024
  • Titles Featured: Football Manager and eFootball
  • Prize Pool: $100,000

The event marks a new direction for FIFAe, which aims to merge different football gaming communities into its ecosystem. Liverpool’s rich football history and growing digital sector make it the perfect host city for this innovative event.

FIFAe World Cup Featuring Football Manager

One of the central attractions of the event is the FIFAe World Cup featuring Football Manager. Twenty nations have nominated their top Football Manager talent, including a manager and an assistant manager for each team, to compete for the prestigious title. The competition will run from August 28 to September 1, offering a total prize pool of $100,000.

These participants were selected based on their performances in national qualifiers. England, as the host nation, benefits from having two teams in the competition, further heightening the stakes.

Here’s the list of participating nations and their representatives:

  • Belgium: Jean-François “jfrscl” Leclercq & Michaël “Michaeleke” Vanderheyden
  • England: Jack “WorkTheSpace” Peachman & Tom “TomFM” Kelsey
    (Additional team): Arron “RDF_Tactics” Falloon & Matt “SecondYellowCard” Mullen
  • France: Florian “Arkunir” Gripon & Joël “BMSJoel” Digbeu
  • Germany: Sven “Svonn” Goly & Tery “FMZweierkette” Whenett
  • India: Nirjhar “jocse02” Mitra & Aadit “MaNamesJeff” Mehta
  • Indonesia: Ichsan “Miracle” Taufiq & Manar “wednesday” Hidayat
  • Korea Republic: Jay Ryung “MU013” Huh & Deok Yeon “awesomejuanito” Hwang
  • Lithuania: Aivaras “aivaras.n” Nekliuda & Justinas “Wigo15” Butkevicius
  • Malaysia: Noor Muhammad “Matt-K” Kamaruddin & Muhammad Naqsyabandi “aysqan” Bin Absah
  • Netherlands: Rowan “SirRowanXIV” van Leeuwen & Renzo “Renzo” Oemrawsingh
  • Norway: Mats Andre “RandomNorwegian” Breesth & Mats “Matsemaen” Jellestad
  • Peru: Roberto “crmilla2094” Milla & Juan Diego “jdlpgl” De La Piedra
  • Poland: Patryk “patrik” Zamirski & Michał “morazz” Morka
  • Portugal: Daniel “Lica” Almeida & Francisco “FranciscoCruz” Cruz
  • Saudi Arabia: Mohanned “DiamondSnake” Alem & Nawaf “kingnaawaf” Alhazmi
  • South Africa: Enzo “Enzo” Bento & Tanweer “KingTaf19” Fakie
  • Spain: José Manuel “JoseLock08” Muñoz Sánchez & Manuel “HanLolo” Gómez
  • Switzerland: Yannick “JAYJAY_SWISS” Hauser & Nico “saintlibran” Gasser
  • Türkiye: Cafer “cfrarsln25” Arslan & Emre “Fmanaliz” Öztürk

FIFAe Fame Your Game Cup Featuring eFootball

FIFAe Next Gen will also feature the FIFAe Fame Your Game Cup on August 30, focusing on eFootball mobile players. Seven global players have been invited to compete, with the eighth spot reserved for the winner of the local qualifier, the Rock-Up Tournament, which takes place on August 29.

Much like online gaming platforms that offer popular card games, such as https://reddogcasino.com/games/blackjack, this tournament showcases the competitive spirit of esports, where top players compete for ultimate prizes.

Invited players include:

  • Abderrahman “ABDUTCH” Tabich
  • Anass “AN10_Tienes” Moussa
  • Dennis “ONIC Dennis” Bernard
  • Thawatchai “TALONESUI” Noongam
  • Rei “Gu_038games” Noguchi
  • Yeison Nikoley “ReadyForIt” Marel Cueva
  • José “Juninho” Maciel

The final two days of the event (August 31–September 1) will be broadcast live across FIFAe’s official channels. Spencer Owen, also known as SpencerFC, will host the show, focusing on football tactics, gameplay insights, and discussions with top players.

FIFAe Next Gen 2024 promises to be a game-changing event in the football esports scene, with Liverpool providing a fitting backdrop. Be sure to tune in from August 31 to watch the action unfold live.


About Christian Silvestri

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Content Writer for FIFA Infinity. Passionate about football, FIFA and AC Milan!
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