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FIFA World Release 9.0

The biggest update in the history of FIFA World is now live! The 9.0 update features a completly new game engine with gameplay innovations that makes it even easier to play like a pro, with new skill moves, more realistic goals, fluid control, smarter teammates, new free kick controls, tactical selection options and much more. To complement gameplay improvements, FIFA World has a whole new look, from a new User Interface to Match Presentation. There is a lot more to discover, FIFA World is a whole new game after R9.0!

Gameplay Features

Attacking Intelligence

Your teammates will now make smarter attacking runs to give you better passing options. In addition, your attacking players have improved offside awareness, they will stutter step or curve their runs to stay onside.

Complete Dribbling

We improved our Face Up Dribble to be more authentic and useful, giving you a better feel when taking on your opponent one-on-one. We also added the Precision 2.0 dribble to keep the ball close to your feet when you attack.

First Touch Control

A new system eliminates near-perfect control for every player by creating uncertainty when receiving difficult balls. Poor passes are harder to control, enabling defenders to capitalize on errant balls and poor touches. Variables such as defensive pressure, trajectory of the ball, and velocity of the pass all factor into a player’s success.

Tactical Free Kicks

You can now add a 2nd and 3rd Kick taker to direct free kicks. There are plenty of combinations to score fantastic goals from this type of set piece. On the defensive side we counter-balance this by adding the wall rush, wall creep and the ability to add/subtract players.

New Skill Moves and Celebrations

You asked for more and we’re giving you more! New skill moves will help you get past defenders with style. Score a goal and you will have new ways to celebrate!

Quick Tactics

You can now bring up 4 quick tactics in the game: CB Rush, Team Pressing, Swap Wings and Offside Trap.

New Animations

Almost 2000 new gameplay animations have been added, giving you more variation with everything you do in a match.

Re-designed Keyboard & Mouse controls

We completely reinvented this control scheme by adding a more sophisticated system that makes even easier for beginners. For experienced players, we added a lot more options to Keyboard & Mouse controls, such as Pass and Go and Fancy Passes.

Other Improvements

New look for the User Interface

From the very first menu, FIFA World will look like a whole new game! The game now features a new, modernized look for the U.I.

New Match Presentation

Yet another visual improvement makes its way into FIFA World with a whole new match presentation.

Updated Match Commentary

Imported from FIFA 15, the match commentary has been updated for all languages, giving matchplay an authentic and up-to-date feel.

New Stadiums

The game now features six new stadiums: Villa Park, Boleyn Ground (Upton Park), The KC Stadium, Liberty Stadium, Imtech Arena, and Veltins Arena.

Italian Language Support

Fans in Italy can now enjoy FIFA World in Italian, bringing the total number of available languages to 10!

Release 9.0 also includes over 100 issues fixes:


– Game will sometimes crash after winning a season

– The squad screen is not loaded in the Match Invite flow

– Users are sometimes unable to start a match invite

– Origin crashes when modifying the in-game avatar

– Taking a screenshot with the controller in the pre-match squad reveal screen sometimes crashes the game

– The game sometimes closes soon after starting it with no error message.

– One user will remain in a hang if the other users disconnects during the pre-match flow of a friend invite

– The game will crash in full screen mode if the user hits Alt-Tab while in an online match

– Users will get disconnected, when first trying to matchmake in an online mode, while in the Squad Reveal screen

– Users will sometimes remain in a hang after the half time pause menu

– The game sometimes hangs when one of the users leave the match

– A crash occasionally occurs before the winning NIS is played in the starter tournament

– In-game Controls Help Overlay shows the wrong controls functionality for Mouse and Keyboard layout

– If the security question triggers when the user accesses the unassigned tab of the shop, the game will hang when the user answers the question

– If the user is clicking on a player item, to open the Action Menu, the game will sometimes crash.

– The game will sometimes display a black screen if the user resets to default in Audio/Video settings

– If a user minimizes the title when he is in search on League Teams, the game will sometimes hang

– If one of the users presses Alt + F4 in the pre-match screen of a match invite, the other user remains in a hang

– The game will crash if the user quickly switches between FUT Squad and Bio tabs

– The game sometimes crashes when downloading videos

– During short free kicks a driven shot will not be performed correctly using classic controls

– Run overs are not functioning correctly for classic controls

– The change of kick takers at free kicks is too quick with classic controls.

– The chip shot does not perform correctly in penalties using classic controls

– The chip shot modifier is not performing correctly with classic controls

– The finesse shot input is not performing correctly with classic controls

– The user is unable to perform a bouncing lob pass correctly with the classic controller.

– Placing a player in the Active Squad from the Inventory and then sending him to the Transfer List doesn’t update the Active Squad counter properly

– After winning Division 1, the user isn’t allowed to choose another season

– Player items that have been added to the watch list via “Add to Watch List” button will not get moved to the Expired pile after they have expired and cannot be cleared from the watch list

– All new managers have their preferred formation set to 4-3-3

– User is able to switch to the GK during an online match by pressing the Back button

– AI defenders are sidestepping when marking because a false facing angle

– Occasional performance issues in online gameplay when using a low spec vs a mid spec PC

– The direction buttons have limited functionality while using the “Controller” and “Keyboard Only” controls

– Switching between Origin accounts resets the control settings of the previous account used.

– Users are sometimes unable to connect to an opponent while searching for a match.

– User sometimes experiences a hang in match reveal screen

– The accomplishment tile is blank until the user gets an accomplishment

– TOTW showing as Completed when current challenge has not been attempted

– User encounters a game hang when trying to download a shared video

– The user winning the game is sometimes disconnected in the postmatch screens and the match is not tracked

– The timer for making substations does not decrease after the extra time in a FUT Invite match.

– There is no player indicator when the user starts a single player mode after losing a match invite

– The help overlay overlaps with the change kick taker overlay when the user makes a substitution

– The ball has no animation during the Intro NIS of any match type

– The season completion NIS is triggered every time the user finishes a match when he has enough points to promote the online season

– The Free kick options overlay displays the incorrect inputs

– The user encounters an “EA servers are not available” error when the squad has finished loading

– If the user finishes a season in Division 1 with enough points to hold the division he will receive a pop-up telling him that he was promoted to Division 0

– All Season 2015 managers are missing their photo

– Changing the players in the squad screen form a position to another is difficult

– Debug text present in the player context menu

– The chemistry lines and the players will not always update when the user is changing his squads

– Users do not receive the Team of the Week first win reward

– The game sometimes remains stuck in the half time replay NIS

– In “Transfer List”, the user is unable to switch to the next page

– The tactics overlay displays the wrong keys when using mouse and keyboard configuration

– The Accomplishments tab shows the “Level 100” achievement as being the next that the user could win

– The game hangs when the user locks the PC and then unlocks it

– The stats description font is colored in grey making it very difficult for the user to read them in the Pre-Match screen

– When user opens the leaderboards menu in League Teams, a Nonfatal error message will appear

– The “Your connection to your opponent has been lost” pop-up is appearing only for a split second and the game will automatically leave the lost session.

– The user can substitute a red carded player

– Users are unable to share media on FIFA World

– Accomplishments completed percentage is incorrect after redeeming a reward

– Users lose connection with each other during the Match Invites pre-match flow when performing changes in squad

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About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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