Home / FIFA 19 / Traits, Specialties, and Save Styles in FIFA 19

Traits, Specialties, and Save Styles in FIFA 19

In this guide you will learn what player traits, specialties and save styles are and how they work and apply across all game modes of FIFA 19.


Traits in FIFA 19 are used to provide players with unique skills and play styles in the game that match their real-life counterparts. Each Trait impacts some aspect of the player’s behavior on the pitch or, in some cases, off of it.

Not all Traits function the same way; some may change the way the player performs on the pitch, another may influence how often they are injured, and others may only have an impact when that player is being controlled by the CPU AI*.

Each Trait has at least one effect that falls into at least one category, and in some cases, it may have more than one effect and/or effects that fall into multiple categories.

These are the Trait categories in FIFA 19:

Standard: Trait effects in this category impact the way that a player plays, both when controlled by a human and when controlled by the CPU AI*.

CPU AI: Trait effects in this category impact the way that a player plays, but only when the player is being controlled by the CPU AI*.

Career Mode: Trait effects in this category impact something in Career Mode, but they have no impact on the way that the player performs during actual gameplay.

Virtual Pro: Trait effects in this category unlock something for your Virtual Pro in FIFA Pro Clubs or Player Career Mode.


The CPU plays the game as you would, limited by the same input restrictions that a human player is.

This means that the CPU team has an active player, just like you do, which we call the CPU AI-controlled player.

A CPU AI-controlled player exists in the following circumstances:

  • On a team with no human players. For example, the CPU-controlled team in Squad Battles.
  • On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates. For example, a Pro Clubs team, with less than 11 human players, with no “ANY” player.

A CPU AI-controlled player does not exist in the following circumstances:

  • On a team with human players who are not locked to specific players. For example, a team in FUT Champions.


Here are the Traits that appear in FIFA 19, along with what each Trait does when it is assigned to a player in the game:

Finesse Shot:

  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will get the full amount of curl when he takes a finesse shot when the ball is on the ground. This can change how the ball will get to the target, but it does not change the target itself.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait is more likely to shoot in general, and will prefer to take a finesse shot.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Finesse Player Trait from the Shooting Skill Tree.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can acquire this Trait for your Pro in Player Career.

Outside Foot Shot:

  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will be able to perform an outside of the foot shot regardless of their Finishing attribute value.
  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will have reduced difficulty in executing an accurate outside of the foot shot.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can acquire this Trait for your Pro in Player Career.

Power Header:

  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will have more powerful headers.
  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait is more likely to be selected to fill a target position in the opposing penalty area during an attacking corner kick, and is less likely to be selected as the support player when the kick taker requests support for a short corner.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Power Header Player Trait from the Shooting Skill Tree.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can acquire this Trait for your Pro in Player Career.

Long Throw-In:

  • [Standard]: When a player with this Trait performs a throw-in using the X/Square button, the maximum distance of the throw is longer than that of a player without the Trait.
  • [Standard]: If the opportunity for a quick throw-in has passed, players with this Trait will be more likely to be considered the optimal selection for taking a throw-in where executing a long throw could boost the chance for a scoring opportunity.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can acquire this Trait for your Pro in Player Career.

Giant Throw-In:

  • [Standard]: When a player with this Trait performs a throw-in using the X/Square Button, the maximum distance of the throw is longer than a player without this Trait or with just the Long Throw-In Trait.
  • [Standard]: If the opportunity for a quick throw-in has passed, players with this Trait will be more likely to be considered the optimal selection for taking a throw-in where executing a long throw could boost the chance for a scoring opportunity.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Giant Throw-In Player Trait from the Passing Skill Tree.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can acquire this Trait for your Pro in Player Career.

Early Crosser:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI player with this Trait will be more likely to attempt an early cross.
  • [Virtual Pro]: Acquiring this Trait in Player Career will increase the amount of curl on early crosses made by your Pro.

Takes Powerful Driven Free Kicks:

  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will start their free kick run-up from further back, producing a more powerful free kick.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to choose a driven free kick over a finesse free kick.
  • [Virtual Pro]: Acquiring the Power Free-Kick Trait in Player Career would give your Pro the Takes Powerful Driven Free Kicks Trait.


  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will have reduced difficulty in executing an accurate outside of the foot shot.
  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will have the full amount of curl when passing the ball on the ground. This can change the path for how the ball will get to the target, but it does not change the target itself.
  • [Virtual Pro]: Acquiring the Swerve Pass Trait in Player Career would give your Pro the Swerve Trait.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Swerve Pass Player Trait from the Passing Skill Tree.

Fancy Passes:

  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will be less likely to make errors when attempting flair passes.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait is able to use flair passes.
  • [Virtual Pro]: Acquiring the Flair Passes Trait in Player Career will unlock the Fancy Passes Trait for your Pro, enabling your Pro to perform flair passes.


  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will be less likely to make errors when attempting flair moves.
  • [Standard]: A human-controlled player with this Trait will sometimes execute a flair pass or flair shot without having used the flair modifier controls.
  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait will use a higher lob for their short lob passes if there are players in the way.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait is more likely to use flair passes or flair shots.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to stutter during a penalty kick runup, and more likely to execute a chip shot penalty.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Flair Player Trait from the Dribbling Skill Tree.

Injury Prone:

  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait has an increased chance of getting injured when a collision occurs.

Solid Player:

  • [Standard]: A player with this Trait has a reduced chance of getting injured when a collision occurs.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Injury Free Player Trait from the Physical Skill Tree.

Rushes Out Of Goal:

  • [Standard]: A goalkeeper with this Trait will be more aggressive when coming out of the box to gather over the top or long through balls.

GK Cautious With Crosses:

  • [Standard]: A goalkeeper with this Trait will only try to intercept a cross when they think they can get to the ball well before their opponent.

GK Comes For Crosses:

  • [Standard]: A goalkeeper with this Trait will try to intercept a cross even if they think they will get to the ball barely before their opponent.

GK Save With Foot:

  • [Standard]: A goalkeeper with this Trait will frequently choose to save the ball with his feet, allowing them to save a slightly higher frequency of close-range shots than a goalkeeper with the same attributes that did not have the GK Save With Foot Trait.

GK Flat Kick:

  • [Virtual Pro]: Acquiring this Trait in Player Career will allow goalkeeper Pros to perform driven side kicks when holding R1/RB.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the GK Flat Kick Player Trait from the Goalkeeping Skill Tree. A goalkeeper Virtual Pro with this Trait will be able to perform driven side kicks when holding R1/RB.

GK Long Thrower:

  • [Standard]: A goalkeeper with this Trait will have the ability to target players further away with thrown passes.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled goalkeeper will sometimes decide to perform a driven-style throw when making a long throw.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the GK Long Throw Player Trait from the Goalkeeping Skill Tree.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can acquire this Trait for your Pro in Player Career.

Bicycle Kicks:

  • [Virtual Pro]: Acquiring this Trait in Player Career will allow the Pro to perform bicycle kicks in certain situations, but you will not be able to force bicycle kicks when L2/LT is held.

Set Play Specialist:

  • [Virtual Pro]: A Virtual Pro with this Trait will no longer have the aiming reticule recenter when the stick is released during a set play.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Set Play Specialist Player Trait from the Passing Skill Tree.

Second Wind:

  • [Virtual Pro]: A Virtual Pro with this Trait will have less fatigue towards the end of a match after the 75 minute mark, if they are currently losing the match.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can obtain this Trait for your FIFA Pro Clubs Virtual Pro by acquiring the Second Wind Player Trait from the Physical Skill Tree.
  • [Virtual Pro]: You can acquire this Trait for your Pro in Player Career.


  • [Standard]: Used, along with One Club Player and Team Player, as part of the decision-making process in choosing a captain for a team if the designated captain is not in the lineup or is removed mid-game via a substitution or red card.

One Club Player:

  • [Standard]: Used, along with Leadership and Team Player, as part of the decision-making process in choosing a captain for a team if the designated captain is not in the lineup or is removed mid-game via a substitution or red card.
  • [Career Mode]: Players with this Trait are known to be loyal to their current club, which will drive storylines in Career Mode.

Team Player:

  • [Standard]: Used, along with One Club Player and Leadership, as part of the decision-making process in choosing a captain for a team if the designated captain is not in the lineup or is removed mid-game via a substitution or red card.
  • [Career Mode]: Players with this Trait put loyalty to their club above their own personal interests, which will drive storylines in Career Mode. This has no effect on gameplay.

Dives Into Tackles:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to use a sliding tackle instead of a standing tackle.

Chip Shot:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to try to chip the keeper when given the opportunity.

Technical Dribbler:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to go on a long run or attempt a zigzag dribble.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to be called as a support player for a short corner kick.

Speed Dribbler:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to go on a long run or to attempt a zigzag dribble.

Long Passer:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait is more likely to attempt long passes.

Long Shot Taker:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be more likely to try and take long shots when running with the ball and more likely to try long volley shots.

Play Maker:

  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will be given the ball by their teammates more often, allowing them to dictate more of the offense.
  • [CPU AI]: A CPU AI-controlled player with this Trait will make faster passing decisions.


Specialties are used to indicate that a player has a specific set of qualities and/or skills. They are derived from the attributes and physical details of a player, and are intended to allow for easy identification of players that would fit into some of the most common roles in football. 

On their own, Specialties have no impact on gameplay or how a player performs, they are purely informational and used to help in identifying players in certain situations, such as scouting in Career Mode.

Here are a list of all the Specialties present in FIFA 19, along with the requirements that a player must meet in order to be assigned the Specialty.


  • Finishing: 85+
  • Heading Accuracy: 85+
  • Attacking Work Rate: Low or Medium

Distance Shooter:

  • Long Shots: 87+
  • Shot Power: 87+

Clinical Finisher:

  • Long Shots: 80+
  • Finishing: 86+

Aerial Threat:

  • Heading Accuracy: 75+
  • Jumping: 85+
  • Strength: 85+
  • Player Height: 188cm+

Free Kick (FK) Specialist:

  • FK Accuracy: 86+
  • Curve: 85+
  • Shot Power: 85+


  • Dribbling: 86+
  • Balance: 75+


  • Short Passing: 86+
  • Long Passing: 73+
  • Vision: 86+


  • Crossing: 86+
  • Curve: 80+


  • Stamina: 86+
  • Attacking Work Rate: High
  • Defensive Work Rate: High


  • Standing Tackle: 86+
  • Sliding Tackle: 85+


  • Sprint Speed: 90+
  • Acceleration: 90+


  • Strength: 86+
  • Player Weight: 83kg+


  • Interceptions: 86+
  • Reactions: 80+


  • Agility: 86+
  • Reactions: 80+

Complete Forward:

  • Has Poacher Specialty and at least two of the following:
    • Clinical Finisher Specialty
    • Speedster Specialty
    • Aerial Threat Specialty
    • Dribbler Specialty
    • Strength Specialty
  • Or, if they don’t have Poacher, have Clinical Finisher specialty and at least two of the following
    • Speedster Specialty
    • Aerial Threat Specialty
    • Dribbler Specialty
    • Strength Specialty:

Complete Midfielder:

  • Has Playmaker Specialty and at least two of the following:
    • Engine Specialty
    • Crosser Specialty
    • Dribbler Specialty
    • Distance Shooter Specialty
    • Free Kick (FK) Specialist Specialty
    • Clinical Finisher Specialty
    • Tackler Specialty

Complete Defender:

  • Has Tackler Specialty and at least one of the following:
    • Acrobat Specialty
    • Strength Specialty
    • Aerial Threat Specialty


Goalkeeper Save Styles are assigned to keepers based on the types of saves that they are specifically known for making. They are purely used to drive the animations that play for the keeper when they are making saves and have no impact on the effectiveness of the keepers or whether or not they save a particular shot.

The two Save Styles present in FIFA 19 are:

Acrobatic: The keeper will make reflex saves using agile animations that often have them go to ground.

Traditional: The keeper will make reflex saves using animations that keep the keeper on their feet whenever possible.



You can view the Traits that are currently assigned to a player by bringing up the Details screen for that player and cycling over to the Specialties / Traits page, which is usually available in the Squad tab of the Team Management screen in most modes, as well as in the pause menu during a match.

You can also search for FUT Player items based on Traits by using the FUT Item Database website, where you can filter search results by Traits using the advanced filters.


You can view the Specialties that a player currently qualifies for by bringing up the Details screen for that player and cycling over to the Specialties / Traits page, which is usually available in the Squad tab of the Team Management screen in most modes, as well as in the pause menu during a match.

You can also search for FUT Player Items based on Specialties by using the FUT Item Database website, where you can filter search results by Specialties using the advanced filters.


You can view the Save Style of a goalkeeper by bringing up the Details screen for that player and cycling over to the Player Info page, which is usually available in the Squad tab of the Team Management screen in most modes, as well as in the pause menu during a match.

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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