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.:: FIFA 11 PC First Info + Screenshot ::.

Electronic Arts announced today that the football engine that drives the award-winning EA SPORTSTM FIFA gameplay on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system has arrived for FIFA 11 PC. Two years in development, the console game engine has been optimised for PC, delivering next generation console-quality gameplay, game modes and visuals to FIFA 11 PC.

“The EA SPORTS FIFA franchise is committed to investing and innovating for PC and this is a watershed moment,” said Executive Producer Kaz Makita. “We are delivering to FIFA 11 PC the high quality gameplay, innovative game modes and stunning graphics that have made FIFA the highest rated sports game on the PlayStation3 and Xbox 360 and winner of over 50 sports game of the year awards.”

The physics-based, data-driven technology behind the EA SPORTS football engine has been optimised for PC to deliver true freedom on the pitch with individuality of player control and movement, sophisticated ball touches, and physical interaction between players. FIFA 11 PC will feature the market-leading true 360° dribbling system that gives players precise control of the ball and next generation animation technology that delivers Skilled Dribbling, enabling skilled dribblers to face defenders and use highly responsive lateral dribbling to skip past them. Plus, Physical Play has been improved using collision sharing, creating a varied, less predictable, and extended fight for possession between players.

FIFA 11 PC features and game modes will be revealed in the coming weeks and months. Visit FIFA 11 : Soccer Game : EA SPORTS for more information.

FIFA 11 – na PC król też będzie tylko jeden FIFA 11 – PC King will also be only one

08 lip 2010 July 8, 2010

Tagi fifa Tags fifa

W FIFA 11 na PC będzie wykorzystana technologia, użyta w wersji tej gry dla konsol PlayStation®3 i Xbox 360® . In FIFA 11 on PC will be used for technology used in the version of the game for consoles, the PlayStation ® 3 and Xbox 360 ® . Producenci przez dwa lata pracowali nad tym, aby gracze komputerowi mogli cieszyć się w FIFA 11 najwyższą jakością zabawy. Producers of the last two years working on this for PC gamers can enjoy the highest quality 1911 FIFA fun.

– To właściwy moment na wprowadzenie innowacji w serii FIFA na platformie PC – powiedział Kaz Makita, producent wykonawczy FIFA 11. – This is an opportune moment to introduce innovations in the FIFA series on the PC platform – said Kaz Makita, executive producer of the 11th FIFA – Wraz z premierą FIFA 11 na PC zaoferujemy najwyższej  jakości rozgrywkę, innowacyjne tryby zabawy i oszałamiającą grafikę. – With the launch of FIFA 11 on PC will offer the highest quality gameplay, innovative modes of play and stunning graphics. Wszystko to, co uczyniło z serii FIFA najlepiej ocenianą markę sportową dostępną dla posiadaczy konsol PlayStation 3 i Xbox 360. Everything that made the FIFA series is best assessed by a sports brand is available to holders of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

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Technologia graficzna i fizyczna zostały zoptymalizowane dla komputerów PC pozwalając graczom na prawdziwą dowolność w sterowaniu zawodnikami na boisku. Graphics technology and physics have been optimized for the PC allowing players to true freedom in controlling the players on the pitch. Wiernie oddano zachowanie się piłki i interakcję pomiędzy zawodnikami. Faithfully was given the behavior of the ball and the interaction between players. W FIFA 11 na PC znajdzie się 360-stopniowy system dryblingu, umożliwiający precyzyjne kontrolowanie piłki. In FIFA 11 on PC will be 360-degree system of dribbling, which allows precise control of the ball. Do tego dojdzie animacja nowej generacji, a także specjalna mechanika zwodów, pozwalająca na szybkie ominięcie obrońców. This happens a new generation of animation and also launched a special mechanic that allows for quick bypass defenders.

Więcej informacji wkrótce! More information coming soon!

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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