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EA Shares Plans Regarding Future FIFA 20 Updates

In a recent post made by EA Sports it was revealed that they are already planning the next title updates for FIFA 20.

The first few title updates will mainly focus on gameplay issues following the feedback from the closed beta and selected community members. The process of how these updates are getting prepared has been highlighted by EA in a few key points:

    1. These gameplay updates are driven off the feedback that we have received over the past few weeks, including the feedback from the Closed Beta.
    2. Most of the upcoming updates have been played by members of the community, with their feedback influencing those updates where appropriate.
    3. We are being cautious about every change that we are making and we are focused primarily around fixing bugs, not fundamental changes to gameplay. That being said, we also want to ensure that when we have clear and consistent feedback around a topic, that we are positioned to respond quickly where appropriate.

To prove this, a first update has already been released for those with FIFA 20 Early Access subscriptions that addressed a VOLTA FOOTBALL bug where some players where getting into a state where their Avatar would not receive Attribute or Skill Point progression following a match.

Following this announcement, we hope EA will also address the long list of bugs and issues discovered in Career Mode recently.

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About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.

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