Home / FIFA 18 / New FIFA 18 Official Update Released

New FIFA 18 Official Update Released

A new update for FIFA 18 is already available on PC and you can download it via Origin. As usual, the update will be available on PS4 and XB1 in the following days.

This update includes the following:

Addressed the following issues in FIFA Ultimate team:

  • FUT Champions Channel replays, for matches that ended early and resulted in a DNF, were sometimes incorrectly displaying which player received the loss.
    • This was purely a visual issue on the FUT Champions Channel screens, and had no bearing on the results of the actual match.
  • The goals were visually missing from the pitch if the Net Shaping settings had been changed to something different than those used by the player’s active Stadium.
  • The ‘Camera Target’ buttons, displayed when watching a FUT Champions Channel replay, were displaying as controller buttons when using a keyboard.
  • The ‘Toggle Tabs’ buttons, displayed on the FUT New Items screen, were displaying as controller buttons when using a keyboard.
    • They are now also clickable when using a mouse.

Made the following changes in Audio / Visual / Presentation:

  • Changes to the Arsenal Tula banners displayed in game.
  • Changes to the Club America kits, crests and banners displayed in game.


About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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