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.:: FIFA 12 News,Images & Video ::.

Today EA released new official informations about FIFA 12 and its content,specially for the gameplay part!

First of all we have a new image gallery with the new FIFA 12 german star cover Mats Hummels from BVB!

Next we have a leaked video from the future FIFA 12 trailer:

And finally you can check these articles containing more informations about the gameplay of FIFA 12:

All credits goes to FIFA Soccer Blog for these great informations!

Oh and one last thing to precise: This years FIFA 12 PC version will be the same as the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions!

That’s all!

Cheers and stay tuned for more FIFA 12 news!

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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13 years ago

Yeah baby, can’t wait for CRLP 12, it’s surely gonna rock with this new FIFA game.

13 years ago

Are uh shure that the PC versions will be the same as the console??100% ??

13 years ago

Yes, it’s confirmed, the PC version will be the same as consoles, even Rutter said it (and he also mentioned he is the PC producer aswell).

13 years ago

Damn awesome!! oh and how you know that? link?

13 years ago

Nvm i saw the statement on forums. Now thats freaking awesome! cant wait to buy it

13 years ago

wow!!!fifa 12 pc = ps3 & xbox!!!este adevarat???wow!o sa cumpar jocu tot mai multi!bravo EA,sper ca-i adevarat 🙂

13 years ago

Awesome! and i’m waiting for CRLP V2!!! It will be awesome 😀

13 years ago

Very good news. Now compare this to the bullshit the konami producer told us in pes 2012 trailer. These are surely some major changes.
Oh and btw, i encountered a problem in CRLP, i won the championship and cup with Steaua and next seazon i must play the supercup Steaua vs. Steaua. Now that is unfortunate. Can you fix this?

13 years ago

It cannot be fixed yet, nobody could find a fix for this problem yet, I’m sorry. 🙁

13 years ago

what!!!!!!!??????!!!!!! FIFA 12 PC & Console Versions will be the same!!!!! AweSome man!!!!! Can’t W8 for it… cheers

13 years ago

baieti….daca va fi aceeasi varianta ca pe ps3…..presupun ca ne vor trebui niste ozn-uri de calculatoare…
cel putin mie nu-mi dau nicio sansa….
dual core 2.2
2 gb ram
300 gb hdd
pl video ati 1gb
…….adica sunt 100% ca n-o sa-mi mearga…unde credeti ca va trebui sa umblu la calculator ca sa-mi mearga?

13 years ago

un procesor mai ridicat iti va trebui, inca 2.00 gb rami si un gtx 220 macar sau mai mult, pentru a rula jocul cu setarile la maxim.

13 years ago

Grafica la FIFA nu a fost niciodata exagerata. Nu iti va trebui o racheta de PC. Eu rulez FIFA 11 la setari maxime cu AAx4 si vSync on cu Intel Core 2 Duo 3.2ghz, 2gb RAM, placa video ATI Sapphire HD 4650 de 1gb si merge cu 60 fps, niciodata nu scade.
Nu-ti fa griji.
Bafta !

13 years ago

Aoleu, vorbiti de parca s-ar schimba engine-ul iar.
Calm, FIFA 12 PS3 foloseste acelasi engine ca si 11 PC, plus ca 11 este primul joc Next-Gen de pe PC, sper ca 12-le sa fie si mai bine optimizat.
Sa nu uitam ca si la PES a fost la fel, PES 2008 a avut cerinte cam egale cu PES 2010, desi 2009 arata un pic mai bine, avea cerinte mai mici decat predecesorul sau. 😉

13 years ago

This is what David Rutter said about FIFA 12 PC.

GOL: First dispel all doubts. This year we are responsible not only for the console, but PCs FIFA. Can we conclude that the “Dozen” will be identical on all platforms?

David Rutter: Yes, as a line producer I am finally able to supervise the work on all three versions of the FIFA and I can assure you that we work hard and do what we can to this year edition of the PC was exactly the same as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

See link…

13 years ago

will there be any fightings or showing agression after a bad foul,where the refree should come in between the players and stop them,like it was in fifa 05 or 06..I like that very much 🙂

13 years ago

fifa 12 it’s fifa 11 with improvements.adding a better system defence,players personality,impact engine it’s adding more collision between players and adding body injuries(feet,hip,head like on fifa ultimate team).
and if the game will be portable more better,then the system requirements will be same
still i have doubts on being perfectly same game
on online mode at pc version,i think it won’t be 11vs11
even they will add 11vs11 on pc,you will not play 11vs11.too laggy on pcs

13 years ago

“CM 11 Official Version Released.

I am pleased to announce that I have released the official version of Creation Master, it is numbered as CM Release 11.0. This is li link for download. I was very busy in the last weeks and I had very few time to dedicate to this site and to the development of the tools. I will now try to reply to all the pending questions. Enjoy CM 11 and let’s hope that all the effort we did for creating this tool for FIFA 11 can be reused for FIFA 12.”


13 years ago

Awesome! I bought FIFA 11 just because EA finnaly cared about PC gamers. I will buy 2 cases of FIFA 12 for PC if you make it the same as consoles 😉 . FIFA is the only game I buy and not download. I support FIFA PC!!!!!! GO EA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UEFA 2012 and WC 2014 PC same as consoles to yes?? 🙂

13 years ago

Again video is inaccessible(((