Home / Miscellaneous / .:: Goal Contest #1 ::.

.:: Goal Contest #1 ::.

We decided to start the year with a nice goal contest for you!

All you need to do is to record your best FIFA 12 goal,upload it on Youtube and post it on this thread.Please try to submit your video with the best quality possible so you can get more votes so try to avoid cellphone videos!You can only submit one goal per user!

Submissions will close on Sunday 8th of January at 23:00 GMT.Afterwards the voting will start and it will end on Friday 13th of January at 12:00 GMT.Later that day the winners will be announced and will get the next prizes:

1st Place: 10.000 Ultimate Team Coins + A gold player 80+ (PC)

2nd Place: 5000 Ultimate Team Coins + A gold player 80+ (PC)

3rd Place: 2500 Ultimate Team Coins + A gold player 80+ (PC)

Please remember that the ultimate team coins and players are only for the PC Version!

Good luck and we wait your submissions!

Submissions are CLOSED!You can vote the best goal HERE!

About Damien

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Founder of FIFA-Infinity.com, Graphic Designer and FIFA Modder in spare time.
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fifa player
13 years ago

wich what program i can convert saved goals in video file?pls


Name (required)Alex
13 years ago

can my goal be sumbited from ea sports my videos if no how to upload on youtube

Name (required)Alex
13 years ago

What do u guys prefer longshot or bycicle kick

13 years ago

What happened to that goal compilations from Fifa 11?